April 25, 2019
The 2019 edition of Chambers USA has ranked three Saiber LLC attorneys within the General Commercial Litigation, Corporate/M&A, and Real Estate categories.
Chambers ranked William Maderer as a leading practitioner in Commercial Litigation in New Jersey, describing him as being a “prominent presence in complex commercial litigation.”
The 2019 publication also ranked Ira Marcus in the New Jersey Corporate/M&A category, noting him as "a highly experienced corporate practitioner."
It also ranked Philip Markowitz in the New Jersey Real Estate category, with his peers describing him as "intelligent and fiercely protective over his clients."
Chambers USA ranks lawyers and law firms on several factors and considerations, all of which are investigated by its team of more than 170 researchers. A description of the selection methodology can be found at: http://www.chambersandpartners.com/methodology.