Our practice focuses on internal corporate investigations, compliance counseling and white collar criminal defense. Led by the former Chief of the Special Prosecution Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey and a former county prosecutor, we have conducted numerous internal investigations to assist both public and private clients in detecting and reporting on employee misconduct in violation of internal policies and potential violations of criminal law.
We have developed particular expertise in conducting internal investigations for colleges and universities in New Jersey. For example, we were retained by a prominent university to conduct an independent investigation regarding allegations of improper access to computer systems and files in the admission department of another university. The comprehensive and efficient representation in this matter resulted in no civil or criminal actions being filed.
We regularly work with our corporate clients before issues arise, in counseling them to institute training and compliance procedures to minimize civil liability and exposure to violations of criminal law. We often work with a company’s in-house or general outside counsel to accomplish the objectives that the client seeks to achieve.
Our attorneys defend companies and individuals in federal and state grand jury investigations and have earned an excellent reputation for our work in business, financial, and corruption cases. We have been particularly successful at the pre-indictment stage, persuading state and federal prosecutors not to bring charges against our clients. Our practice encompasses the defense of prosecutions relating to government fraud, health-care fraud, tax fraud, environmental violations, insider trading, bank fraud, securities fraud, antitrust, commercial bribery, and RICO violations.

Geri Albin Member
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DanaLynn T. Colao Member
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Michael J. Grohs Member
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Jakob B. Halpern Member
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John M. Losinger Member
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Jennifer R. O'Connor Member
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William F. Maderer Special Counsel
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Among the clients for whom we have conducted internal investigations are:
- A senior citizen facility whose Director of Human Resources was alleged to have harassed the Executive Director
- An information technology company whose CFO engaged in inappropriate workplace conduct
- An international electronics company whose VP of Human Resources was accused of sexual harassment
- A cyber security company whose Director of Human Resources was accused of retaliating against an employee for taking Family Leave
- A country club whose business manager was accused of creating a hostile work environment
- A synagogue whose bookkeeper had converted funds for his personal use
- A pharmaceutical consultant company whose executive was accused of hostile work environment
- An automotive glass company whose employees were accused of misappropriating company business for their own financial benefit
- A state agency whose employment application process was alleged to have been improperly implemented
Among the colleges/universities for whom we have conducted internal investigations are:
- A university whose Department Chair was alleged to have engaged in improper computer sexting
- A university whose varsity football coach had improper contact with a faculty member regarding a student's grades
- A university whose varsity lacrosse coach was accused of harassment toward his players
- A university whose varsity football defensive coordinator was accused of bullying a minority athlete
- A university whose Dean of Admission was accused of favoritism in the admission process
- A university whose faculty member was accused of faking a disability preventing him from working
- A college whose construction bidding process was alleged to have been improperly implemented
- A college where members of its Board of Trustees were alleged to have conflicts of interest
- A university whose member of the Board of Trustees was alleged to have improperly influenced the promotion process
- A university accused of overlooking a student’s mental health disability in its graduate program
- A university whose tenured faculty member was accused of sexually harassing a student.
- A university whose senior Dean was alleged to have failed to report sexual harassment.
Among the clients we have successfully defended are:
- A major defense contractor being investigated for submitting false bills to the federal government
- A chemical manufacturer charged with dumping hazardous waste
- An international consumer electronics manufacturer investigated for antitrust violations
- An ocean dredging company charged with criminal conspiracy to engage in restraint of trade
- A commercial painting contractor investigated for criminal violation of ERISA
- A grocery chain executive charged with RICO violations
- A banking executive investigated for financial fraud