Randi Schillinger and Geri Albin Present on ESG at Justice Stewart G. Pollock Environmental Inn of Court

February 1, 2023

On Wednesday, February 1st, Randi Schillinger and Geri Albin will present on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues, including the components of ESG, Ethics, Laws and Investing and SEC Task Force Initiatives at the Justice Stewart G. Pollock Environmental Inn of Court’s February meeting held virtually.  Joining Randi and Geri are Francie Stella of Brach Eichler; Danielle N. Bagwell and John Gullace of Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox; Margaret B. Carmeli of Offit Kurman; Jillian K. Mooney of Evonik Corporation; and Michael Spinello Riker Danzig LLP. 

The American Inns of Court are groups of judges, attorneys and law professors who meet to discuss issues of interest. The Justice Stewart G. Pollock Environmental American Inn of Court seeks to promote the study and practice of environmental law in New Jersey.