Jakob Halpern to Moderate Panel Discussion at AFBNJ Judicial Conference

March 12, 2025

On Wednesday, March 12, 2025, Jake Halpern will moderate a panel discussion entitled “Building Connections and Unlocking Your Legacy” at the Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey’s 48th Annual Judicial Conference. The panel will share their experiences as both mentors and mentees, offering insights on how to develop genuine, impactful connections that go beyond traditional career development. The Panel will also discuss the long-term value of shaping your legacy by passing on your personal and professional practice tips.

Joining Jake is co-moderator Mary Toscano of Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP; and panelists Hon. Stacey D. Adams, United States Magistrate Judge for the District of New Jersey; Hon. Michael A. Shipp, United States District Judge for the District of New Jersey; Hon. Matthew J. Skahill, United States Magistrate Judge for the District of New Jersey; Hon. Joseph A. Greenaway, Jr. (Ret.), Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP; and Peter C. Harvey, Esq., Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP.

Link: AFBNJ's 48th Annual Judicial Conference