Saiber attorneys are highly skilled in zoning, land use, development and planning matters. We represent parties before state, county, and local planning boards with regard to subdivision, site plan, variance and various other regulatory and developmental approvals. In addition, we regularly work with environmental, planning, architectural, traffic and engineering consultants in connection with their respective projects.
Our attorneys represent clients in connection with the development of shopping centers, major hotels, office complexes, casino projects, townhouses, industrial and warehousing property, multi-use projects and other residential and commercial developments.
Saiber attorneys also provide services in connection with developer’s agreements, rezoning, and the assignment of development rights and other matters incidental to the land use approval process. Our experience includes drafting contracts for the purchase and sale of property and negotiating leases that are contingent on obtaining land use approval. Saiber has extensive land use litigation experience, including challenges to both the approval and denial of land use applications.

Justin R. Calta Member
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Nino A. Coviello Member
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Jaime F. Rivera Emmanuelli Member
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Randi Schillinger Member
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